Since 1992, Mr. Jitendrakumar S. Gajera is active in the agriculture market and at initial period we also provide the raw material of Agro Foods to other manufacturing firms with consistency in quality with food safety and over 3 decades of experience. Since June 2004 we work under the name Raghunath Trading.
Raghunath Trd. controls the sales and transport of its products. Through this close cooperation we are well aware of exporting Agro Foods. We collects all the national agricultural in order to maintain a firm grip on each stage of the Agro Foods production process.
If you are searching for an excellent Agro Foods just the way you like it, we provide the product you are looking for.
We sells its products mainly to countries in American and European zone. We can respond quickly and efficiently, as our staff has personal contact with the customers. We are international oriented and know what happens in Agro Foods market. At all stages from collection of material through the delivery of products, quality control is supreme. We have excellent communication between all organizations. We believe in maintaining quality and safety of product.
Thank you!